Emily Hermant


Articule, Montréal, QC
thread and painted nails on drywall; soundscape with six voices
96” H x 375” W x 1” D

Artspace, Peterborough, ON

Read Natalie Olanick‘s essay about Hesitations here.

Read Tai van Toorn‘s essay about Hesitations here.

Watch an interview about Hesitations here.

Hesitations is an immersive, mixed-media installation that explores pauses, hesitations, and other communicative glitches extracted from intimate conversations. Enlarged waveform patterns of “uhms”, “ah’s”, and other hesitations in spoken language are mapped out on the gallery walls with thread and nails, generating their own tactile language, while a soundscape composed of the extracted sounds plays intermittently throughout the space. Together, the materials and relational elements of the work convey the complexity, absurdity, and simultaneous possibility and impossibility of intimate communication.

Photography by Guy L’Heureux and Artspace


emilyhermant @ gmail.com
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